quarto-webr v0.3.7 Released - Mutex On, Mutex Off!




October 16, 2023

We’re pleased to announce the release of quarto-webr version 0.3.7! This release brings a number of new features, bug fixes, and documentation updates to the extension. Most notably, we’ve added a lock feature so that only one code cell runs at a time, preventing simultaneous execution conflicts. Additionally, we’ve added a visual spinning indicator to emphasize what code cell is currently running or what package is being installed. We’ve further improved documentation and deployment processes to make it easier to use the extension.

For more details on the changes, please see the news entry below

quarto-webr news file entry for version 0.3.7 (2023-09-24)


  • Added a Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) to ensure that only one code cell runs at a time, preventing simultaneous execution conflicts.
    • With this enhancement, you can now enjoy smoother and more predictable execution of your code, without interference from concurrently running code cells.
  • Added a visual spinning indicator to emphasize what code cell is currently running. (#64, #17)
  • Improved status updates about installing R packages specified in the document’s package key. (#68)
  • Fully supported pager event types. (#58)
    • With this update, looking at R help documentation for a function is now possible.

Demonstration of the new locking mechanism and package status indicator


  • Fixed base-url to allow for a localized version of webR away. (#54)
  • Fixed document-level packages meta option not installing packages if the status bar was not present (#69)
  • Fixed service workers not being placed if user explicitly set channel-type: 'automatic' (#74)



  • Switched from Quarto’s publishing action to individually rendering projects, merging output, and, then, publishing. (#73)
    • By using a custom publish action, we can retain a single repository with nested quarto projects (e.g. A website project that also contains a book.)

GitHub Changelog